Code of Conduct is a shared statement of VinUni commitment to upholding the ethical, professional and legal standards we use as the basis for our daily and long-term decisions and actions. We all must be aware of and comply with the relevant policies, standards, laws and regulations that guide our work. We are each individually accountable for our own actions and, as members of the University Community, are collectively accountable for upholding these standards of behaviour and for compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and policies.
The Code applies to these groups of people, referred to as members of the VinUniversity Community:
- Faculty (including adjunct, visiting, affiliated faculty) and staff of the University;
- Consultants, contractors and others, when performing services for the University or interacting with members of the University Community, acting on behalf of the University, or otherwise required under contract to comply with this Code; and
- Individuals who perform services for the University as volunteers.
Access this link to read the full document: VinUni Staff Sharepoint