Curriculum Development Process

Please find the Vietnamese version on the PDF Tab

1. Purpose

 This process provides the steps for curriculum development and the authority for approval in each step. Furthermore, it provides the guideline for requesting curriculum revision including change an existing course, new course requests, new -and revisions to existing programs (majors, minors, concentrations, etc), to support the continuous improvement of the program.

2. Abbreviations

Curriculum Development Taskforce CDT External Review Committee ERC
Center of Teaching and Learning CTL University Academic Advisory Board   AAB
University Council     UC College Academic Advisory Committee AAC
Educational Affairs Committee EAC General Education Committee GenED
Student Information System SIS Ministry of Education and Training MOET
Ministry of Health MOH Person in Charge PIC

3. Definition

An academic program involves degree levels; educational objectives and learning outcomes; required credits; an academic plan associated with the time to obtain a degree (includes curricula and extra-curricular activities); a teaching methodology and a mode of delivery; a mode to assess academic performance; and other conditions for its implementation.
Curriculum the curriculum of one program at a specific education level includes learning goals, learning objectives (outcomes), contents, structures, organized sequences, assessment methods, training duration, course credit value, etc
Degree the University’s undergraduate curricula are organized into degrees, which is normally granted upon completion of a program of study.
Major be the core competence area, comprising a structured group of courses that aims to create a broad and deep intellectual experience in an academic discipline.
Minor consists of a structured group of courses that focuses on a particular academic discipline, allowing students to develop some depth of understanding in a subject area or topic of professional interest.

4. Content

4.1 Graduate attributes approach to curriculum design focuses on the desired learning outcomes that students are expected to have achieved by the time that they graduate. VinUniversity programs are expected to enable students to develop graduating attributes as described in EXCEL attributes (refer to document VUNI.12 – Admitted and Graduating Student Attributes).

4.2 Curriculum Development Process

Nr Steps Outcomes PIC Review Cycle Form/Report
1 Program Conceptual Framework – Approved PowerPoint presentation (with appendices and references – if any)
– Fulfilment of MOET-MOH/International accreditation requirements (i.e market research, a survey of stakeholders, etc).
CDT Every year FRM02
2 Curriculum Framework Approved Curriculum Framework (with appendices and references) CDT End of semester FRM03
3 Course Outlines Approved course outlines (Syllabets) Assigned faculty member/course instructor End of semester FRM04
4 Curriculum Course Content and Assessment Materials 4.1 Course Syllabus
4.2 Set of teaching and learning materials for courses (power points, presentations, teaching plan, video, checklist, handouts, etc.)
4.3 Student assessment materials (Multiple choice questions/Skills assessment checklist, test bank, case, and other program-specific documents, etc.)
Course instructor(s) End of semester FRM05
5 Implementation 5.1 Pilot (Mock teaching/Co-design workshop)– if applicable
5.2 Evaluation of Formal Teaching
Course instructor(s) End of semester Student Feedback and Self-assessment Report
6 Quality Assessment and Improvement 6.1 Quality Assessment Plan (When, where, sampling, benchmark meet) to evaluate the student’s achievement of learning goals
6.2 Assessment Report on Quality Improvement

Vice Provost Office

Every year Quality assessment overall report

Templates required by Accreditation bodies

 4.3 Delegation of Authorization (DOA) in Curriculum Development



R-review V-validate A-approve
Step 1 ERC (if application) President of the UC (endorse)
Step 2 ERC (internal and external reviewers) Cornell/
Penn (if applicable)
Provost (endorse)
MOET/MOH (external – for getting the program license)
Step 3 Peer-review (national or international experts) – if applicable) College Curriculum Committee Dean (college level)
Provost or his delegate
(cross-college level)
Step 4 Peer-review or co-design workshop for course syllabus – if applicable) Program Director (syllabus)
Dean/Head of Faculty or his/her designate (assessment materials)
Step 5 Peer review of teaching – if applicable
Step 6 Quality Assurance/
Assessment/Accreditation Committee[1]
Program Director

Note: The person who approves the step(s) will approve any changes within the steps.

[1] The Committee is responsible for the review and revalidation process, depending on the accreditation requirement of each program. 

4.4 Workflow Process for Requesting for Changes

Kindly find the detailed workflow HERE

5. Related Templates/Forms

  • Form 1 (FRM01): Request for Change / New Course Proposal
  • Form 2 (FRM02): Program Conceptual Framework
  • Form 3 (FRM03): Curriculum Framework
  • Form 4 (FRM04): Course Outline
  • Form 5 (FRM05): Course Syllabus
  • Form 6 (FRM06): Course Code Proposal

Status and Details

This guideline provides the steps for curriculum development and the authority for approval in each step. Furthermore, it provides the guideline for requesting curriculum revision including change an existing course, new course requests, new -and revisions to existing programs (majors, minors, concentrations, etc), to support the continuous improvement of the program.

Reference Number:


Document Type:


Issuing By:

Provost Office

Issuing Date:

Sep 19, 2019

Applying for:

All academic units (including Faculties and Colleges)

Security Classification:


Record of Changes

Revision Date Author / Editor Description
V1.0 Sep 19, 2019 Developed by: Cornell-VinUni Project Team
Reviewed by: Cornell Faculty Directors
Approved by: Protem Committee
First release (Project-based phase)
V2.0 Dec 07, 2020 Developed by: VinUniversity Office
Reviewed by: Educational Affairs Committee
Approved by: President and Provost
Upgrade of the next version

PDF version

You can download this document here: Curriculum Development Process