Admissions Regulations for Postgraduate Programs

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Article 1: Scope of Regulation and Applicable Subjects

  1. These regulations govern the admission to Postgraduate Programs (hereinafter referred to as PG Programs) at the Master’s and Doctoral levels of VinUniversity (hereinafter referred to as VinUni or the University), including the following contents: admission methods, eligibility, conditions, admission process, organization of selection/examination, responsibilities and authority of relevant units, handling of violations of admission regulations, reporting and archiving procedures, and resolution of complaints and denunciations in the admission process.
  2. These regulations apply to VinUniversity and individuals and units involved in the implementation of PG Program admissions (excluding the Residency Program)

Article 2: Postgraduate Admission Methods

  1. Postgraduate admissions, including Master’s and Doctoral levels, are conducted through a selection process. The selection process for Master’s level admissions is based on the evaluation of applicants’ dossiers, combined with interviews. The selection process for Doctoral level admissions is based on the evaluation of applicants’ dossiers, combined with interviews (including the defense of research proposals).
  2. Depending on the actual conditions at the time of admission, the Admissions Council will decide on the form of online or in-person admissions.

Article 3: Postgraduate Admissions Announcement

  1. No later than 30 working days before each admission period, the University will issue an Admissions announcement.
  2. The Admissions announcement will be posted on the website of the University, sent to relevant units and published on other mass media, clearly stating:

a) Target audience, eligibility requirements, admission majors, and relevant professional requirements;

b) Admission quota;

c) Application documents and application deadline;

d) Admission plan and method;

e) Announcement date of admission results and enrollment time;

f) Tuition fees and policies on tuition fee waivers and financial support;

g) Other necessary requirements and information for candidates in the admission period.

Article 4: Admission Process and Recognition of Admitted Students

  1. The Admissions Office leads the development of the admission process and guidelines for each level.
  2. Admission and Enrollment Recognition

a) The Provost approves the list and issues a decision to recognize admitted students, reporting to the Ministry of Education and Training as regulated;

b) The Admissions Office sends the admission results to applicants, guides them through enrollment procedures; the Planning & Academic Administration Division organizes enrollment;

c) The decision to recognize a doctoral student must include complete information, including the student’s name, major, proposed dissertation topic, scientific advisory team, professional unit managing the student, training duration along with the student’s full-course study and research plan.


Article 5: Admission Requirements and Conditions for Master’s Programs

  1. Have graduated or be eligible for recognition of graduation from a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent or higher) in a relevant field; for research-oriented programs, a good or higher graduation grade or scientific publications related to the field of study and research are required. A relevant field is a field of study at the bachelor’s level (or equivalent or higher) that equips learners with the necessary professional foundation to continue studying in the corresponding master’s program, as specified in the admission standards of the master’s program; the college specifies cases where additional learning requirements must be completed before applying. For management and administration majors, trained in applied master’s programs, relevant fields at the bachelor’s level include majors directly related to the profession and career of the management and administration field.
  2. Applicants must meet the English proficiency requirement when they have one of the following degrees or certificates:

a) A bachelor’s degree awarded by a foreign educational institution, a branch of a foreign educational institution in Vietnam, or a Vietnamese educational institution for full-time students where the program is conducted in English;

b) A master’s degree awarded by a foreign educational institution, a branch of a foreign educational institution in Vietnam, or a Vietnamese educational institution for full-time students where the program is conducted in English;

c) Have one of the English degrees or certificates valid until the date of application specified in Appendix I of this Regulation, or equivalent to Level 4 or higher (according to the 6-level English Proficiency Framework for Vietnam) announced by MOET.

  1. Meet other requirements of the training program standards issued by the Ministry of Education and Training and as regulated by the Colleges

Article 6: Admission Requirements and Conditions for Doctoral’s Programs

  1. General requirements for candidates:

a) Have a master’s degree or a bachelor’s degree with honors or higher in a relevant field, or a degree equivalent to level 7 according to the Vietnam National Qualifications Framework in certain specialized majors suitable for doctoral training;

b) Meet the entry requirements according to the training program standards issued by the Ministry of Education and Training and of the doctoral program applied for;

c) Have research experience demonstrated through a master’s thesis of a research-oriented training program; or published scientific articles or reports; or have at least 2 years (24 months) of work experience as a lecturer or researcher at training institutions or science and technology organizations;

d) Have a draft research proposal and a tentative plan for full-course study and research.

  1. Applicants must meet the English proficiency requirement when they have one of the following degrees or certificates:

a) A bachelor’s degree awarded by a foreign educational institution, a branch of a foreign educational institution in Vietnam, or a Vietnamese educational institution for full-time students where the program is conducted in English;

b) A master’s degree awarded by a foreign educational institution, a branch of a foreign educational institution in Vietnam, or a Vietnamese educational institution for full-time students where the program is conducted in English;

c) Have one of the English degrees or certificates valid until the date of application specified in Appendix I of this Regulation, or equivalent to Level 4 or higher (according to the 6-level English Proficiency Framework for Vietnam) announced by MOET.

  1. The college specifies detailed requirements for relevant professional qualifications, foreign language proficiency, work experience, and other requirements for candidates depending on the characteristics of each major and program based on the minimum requirements specified in this Article.


Article 7. Organization, Tasks, and Authority of the Admissions Council

  1. The Provost issues a decision to establish the Admissions Council (AC) to manage admissions-related tasks, stipulating the organization, tasks, and authority of the assisting committees and specialized committees.
  2. The composition of the University’s AC includes:

a) President: Provost or Vice-Provost;

b) Vice President: Vice-Provost;

c) Permanent Member: Head or Deputy Head of the Admissions Office (or Planning & Academic Administration Division);

d) Members:

i. Leaders of the Admissions Office, Planning & Academic Administration Division Office, and other relevant offices as required;

ii. Dean or Vice Dean in charge of training and admissions of the colleges;

e) Individuals whose spouse, children, parents, siblings, or in-laws are applying to the University are not allowed to participate in the AC and its assisting committees in that year.

  1. Tasks and Authority of the University’s AC:

a) Implement selected admissions plans;

b) Direct and supervise the implementation of tasks by specialized committees; handle issues arising during the admissions process;

c) Resolve questions, complaints, and accusations related to admissions;

d) Summarize admissions activities;

e) Promptly report admissions results to the President, the Provost and the Ministry of Education and Training.

  1. Tasks and Authority of the AC President:

a) Organize, implement, and take responsibility for the university’s admission activities

b) Report directly to the Provost on the university’s admissions activities;

c) Establish a Secretariat and specialized committees to assist the AC in carrying out admissions tasks;

  1. The Vice President of the AC performs tasks assigned by the AC President and acts on behalf of the AC President in handling tasks when authorized.

Article 8: Organization, Tasks, and Authority of the Council Secretariat in Postgraduate Admissions

  1. The composition of the University’s AC Secretariat includes:

a) Head: held concurrently by the Permanent Member of the University’s AC;

b) Deputy Head: leader of the Admissions and Academic Operations;

c) Members:

i. Staff from the Admissions, Academic Operations, and other offices/departments;

ii. Staff operating the application software.

  1. Tasks and Authority of the AC Secretariat:

a) Publish information on application procedures, admission methods, postgraduate admissions announcements, and other relevant information on the University’s website and other media;

b) Assist the AC in admissions tasks:

i. Process application data;

ii. Submit admission results to the AC for approval;

iii. Enter admission data onto the Ministry of Education and Training’s portal;

iv. Perform other tasks assigned by the AC President.

Article 9: Admissions Evaluation Subcommittees

  1. The AC President issues a decision to establish Admissions Evaluation Sub-committees based on proposals from colleges. The composition includes the subcommittee head, a secretary, and 3 members. For Doctoral-level Admissions Evaluation Subcommittees, the subcommittee must have 1 member from outside the University and a maximum of 1 member from the advising team.
  2. Tasks and Authority of Admissions Evaluation Sub-committees

a) Organize the evaluation of applicants’ dossiers according to the criteria set for Master’s level Admissions Evaluation Subcommittees;

b) Organize interviews with applicants and grade research proposals for Doctoral-level Admissions Evaluation Subcommittees;

c) Summarize applicant evaluation results and hand them over to the AC Secretariat.


Article 10. Inspection and Examination of Admissions Activities

  1. The inspection and examination shall be conducted according to the University’s general regulations and guidelines.
  2. The inspection process and procedures follow the regulations of the law on inspection and guidance from the Ministry of Education and Training.
  3. Individuals with relatives applying in the current year are not allowed to participate in the Inspection Team’s work.

Article 11. Handling Violations of Admissions Regulations

  1. Places to receive information and evidence of violations of admissions regulations:

a) The University’s Admissions Council;

b) The Legal and Compliance Department.

  1. Units and individuals receiving information and evidence of violations of postgraduate admissions regulations are responsible for handling them within their authority or reporting to competent agencies or individuals for handling and publicly announcing the results of handling individuals and organizations that violate the regulations

Article 12. Reporting and Archiving Procedures

  1. The Admissions Office reports and submits for approval admission plans and announcements; reports on implementation progress and relevant data in accordance with the current Delegation of Authority Manual.
  2. The Admissions Office reports admission results according to the regulations of the University and the Ministry of Education and Training.
  3. Other documents related to admissions must be preserved and archived throughout the training course according to the Law on Archives and regulations on the retention period of professional documents of the education sector and the University.


Article 13. Resolving Complaints and Denunciations Related to Postgraduate Admissions

  1. During the postgraduate admissions period, the Admissions Council (AC) organizes the reception and resolution of complaints and denunciations from citizens related to postgraduate admissions.
  2. After the postgraduate admissions period, the Provost organizes the reception and resolution of complaints and denunciations from citizens related to postgraduate admissions.

Article 14. Handling Violations of the Regulations

  1. Applicants who violate regulations during the postgraduate admissions process will be handled according to current regulations.
  2. Admitted applicants who are discovered to have committed fraud or been directly involved in fraud during the admissions process may have their admission decisions suspended or revoked. The Provost considers and decides on the form of handling according to current regulations.
  3. Individuals involved in postgraduate admissions who violate the regulations, depending on the severity, will be handled according to the provisions of current legal documents. For those who violate the Postgraduate Admissions Regulations and are staff, officials, and lecturers at the University, the Provost decides on the handling according to current laws and regulations of the University.


Article 15. Effectiveness

  1. These regulations take effect from the date of signing.
  2. During implementation, if any difficulties or needs for supplementation or amendment are found, individuals and units report to the Provost (through the Admissions Office) for consideration and decision. The review, amendment, and supplementation of these regulations can be done annually, depending on the conditions and actual admissions situation of that academic year.


Foreign Language Certificates Equivalent to Level 4

Language Certificate/Diploma Equivalent to Level 4
English TOEFL iBT 46 – 93
IELTS 5.5 – 6.5
Cambridge Assessment English B2 First/B2



Score: 160 – 179

TOEIC (4 skills) Listening: 400 – 489

Reading: 385 – 454

Speaking: 160 – 179

Writing: 150 – 179


Status and Details

These regulations govern the admission to Postgraduate Programs (hereinafter referred to as PG Programs) at the Master's and Doctoral levels of VinUniversity (hereinafter referred to as VinUni or the University), including the following contents: admission methods, eligibility, conditions, admission process, organization of selection/examination, responsibilities and authority of relevant units, handling of violations of admission regulations, reporting and archiving procedures, and resolution of complaints and denunciations in the admission process.

Reference Number:


Document Type:


Issuing By:

Postgraduate Admissions Department

Issuing Date:

Sep 07, 2024

Applying for:

All VinUniversity

Security Classification:


Record of Changes

Revision Date Author / Editor Description
V1.0 Jun 07, 2024 Prepared by: Postgraduate Admissions Department
Reviewed by: Chief Academic Operations Officer, Deans/Vice Deans, Program Directors.
Approved by: Provost
First release
V2.0 Sep 07, 2024 Prepared by: Postgraduate Admissions Department
Reviewed by: Chief Academic Operations Officer, Deans/Vice Deans, Program Directors.
Approved by: Provost
Update on Chapter II, Article 5, Section 2 and Article 6, Section 2

PDF version

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