Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

This policy defines the appropriate use of BYOD to access VinUni’s network, systems, and data for work related purposes.

Access this link to read the full document: VinUni Staff Sharepoint (Using Vingroup account) (English) or (Vietnamese)

Status and Details

This policy defines the appropriate use of BYOD to access VinUni’s network, systems, and data for work related purposes.

Reference Number:


Document Type:


Issuing By:


Issuing Date:

Jun 10, 2022

Applying for:

All employees of VinUniversity/VinAcademy

Security Classification:


Record of Changes

Revision Date Author / Editor Description
V1.0 Jun 10, 2022 Prepared By: IT Department
Reviewed By: Heads of Department and Academic Leaders
Approved By: President of University Council
First release
V2.0 Apr 13, 2024 Prepared By: IT Support Department
Reviewed By: Chief Operations Officer
Approved By: President of University Council