All decisions release for faculty and staff

University Council AY2023-2024 Date of meeting Link
Meeting Minutes – Half year 1 20.12.2023 UC Minutes of meeting_20.12.2023
Meeting Minutes – Half year 2 25.06.2024 UC Minutes of meeting_25.06.2024


Subject Decision Name Note
Undergraduate Graduation Review Board Decision No.144/2024/QĐ-VUNI: Establishment of the Undergraduate Graduation Review Board in 2024
Academic Advisory Board AY 23-24 Decision No.430/QĐ-VUNI: Establishing the University Academic Advisory Board AY 23-24 Log in by VinUni account
UG Admissions Council Decision No.513/2023/QĐ-VUNI: Establishing UG Admissions Council (EN)

Decision No. 513/2023/QĐ-VUNI: QĐ thành lập Hội đồng Tuyển sinh (VN)

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University Student Awarding and Disciplinary Committee AY 23-24 Decision No. 414A-2023-QĐ-VUNI: Establishing University Student Awarding and Disciplinary Committee AY23-24(EN)

Decision No. 414A/2023/QĐ/VUNI Thành lập HĐ Khen thưởng Kỷ luật sinh viên NH23-24 (VN)

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GME Admissions Council and Supporting Committees AY 24-25 Decision No. 318/2024/QĐ/VUNI_Decision on establishment of GME Admissions Council and Supporting Committees AY 24-25 (EN)

Decision No. 318/2024/QĐ/VUNI_Quyết định thành lập HĐTS Bác sĩ Nội trú và các Ban hỗ trợ NH 24-25 (VN)

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Standing committees of VinUniversity AY 23-24 Decision No.560/2023/QĐ-VUNI Establishing the standing committees of VinUniversity AY 2023-2024 Log in by VinUni account
Adjust the Scholarship and Financial Aid Policy AY23-24 Decision No.462/2023/QĐ-VUNI_ Adjust the Scholarship and Financial Aid Policy AY23-24 (EN)

Decision No.462/2023/QĐ-VUNI_QD Dieu chinh chinh sach Hoc bong va Ho tro tai chinh AY23-24 (VN)

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Decision on specialized academic scholarship AY23-24 Decision No.549a/2023/QĐ-VUNI on specialized academic scholarship AY23-24 Log in by VinUni account
Decision on establishment of Admission Committee for MPM in AI 335/2024/QĐ/VUNI_Decision on establishment of Admission Committee for MPM in AI of AY 24-25 (EN)

318/2024/QĐ/VUNI_Quyết định thành lập HĐTS chương trình ThS Quản lý SP trí tuệ nhân tạo NH 24-25 (VN)

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