I. Purpose
- The Faculty-in-Residence Program at VinUniversity aims to promote formal and informal interaction between students and faculty, adjunct faculty or staff through beyond-the-classroom experiences. The Faculty-in-Residence lives in residence hall next to students so that the faculty member or staff (and his/her family) can share the residence hall living experience with students.
- The Faculty-in-Residence helps plan and implement educational, recreational, social and cultural programs while serving as a role model, mentor, and adviser in the residential community.
- The Faculty-in-Residence strongly promotes the co-living, co-learning and co-working approach at VinUniversity.
II. Scope
- This policy applies to all full-time faculty and staff employees of VinUniversity. Any exceptions to this general scope of this policy will be clearly identified.
III. Policy Principles
1. Program Objectives
- To work as a role model and mentor to residents in the residence.
- To initiate and participate in residential activities to raise student retention and satisfaction.
- To facilitate the involvement of other campus faculty members and staff in residential colleges, provide more opportunities for faculty, staff and students to interact outside of the classroom.
2. Package
- Accommodation: A two-bedroom apartment, including rent, utilities, and wi-fi with basic equipment, free of charge.
- Family: Spouses or partners of the Faculty-in-Residence are welcome to stay with him/her on campus.
3. Terms and Conditions of Appointment
- Faculty-in-Residence will be appointed to at least one-semester term, subject to renewal.
- Faculty-in-residence will reside in the faculty apartment during the course of their appointment. While it is understood that faculty-in-residence will be free to travel, they should not be absent for extended periods during the academic year.
4. Key Selection Criteria
- The position of Faculty-in-Residence is available to all faculty members and staff who have demonstrated a commitment to interacting with students outside of the classroom. Faculty members must be able to demonstrate a strong commitment to undergraduate education, and a willingness to make the necessary investment of time and energy in support of the Faculty-in-Residence program.
- Candidates must demonstrate excellent communication skills, listening skill, create effective programs, and be approachable to students. In addition, they must agree to support the code of conduct for residential students.
- Candidates who have understanding of the collegiate residential environment, student development and have experience with managing crises or campus emergencies are preferable.
- Candidates must be able to live almost fulltime in the on-campus apartment.
- Candidates who anticipate extended absences during the academic year (research trips or other scholarly activities) that may interfere with the goals of this program are not encouraged to apply.
- Number of positions: up to 6 positions.
IV. Responsibilities
The Faculty-in-Residence stays on campus and spends approximately 12 hours per week for the program in order to:
- Maintain a high level of visibility in the residence area and establish available hours when they can give consultancy to students, individually or in group, on various issues on a walk-in or appointment.
- Have informal interactions with students in residence during social events such as having meal together in residential dining facilities or playing games/sports with students and staff.
- Provide leadership and consultancy the Residential Manager and Resident Assistants (RAs) in designing and implementing programs for students based on demonstrated resident needs, faculty interests or particular events happening on campus.
- Support and abide by all VinUniversity rules and regulations, as well as Vietnamese laws. The Faculty-in-Residence is also expected to conduct him/herself in a professional, legal, and ethical manner when dealing with students and staff.
- Provide the Student Affairs Management (SAM) office with strategic advice on the innovation of residential life services.
V. Registration
- Please contact with SAM through connect-sam@vinuni.edu.vn for further instruction.