Minor fields information

1. College of Arts and Sciences

Minor name Objective Credit
1. Communication
  • Identify and employ a range of communication strategies to effectively analyze audience, purpose, and context.
  • Improve ability to communicate with a variety of stakeholders (such as cross-generational and cross-cultural colleagues).
  • Develop critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution skills and express them clearly to an audience.
  • Strengthen the ability to think, speak, write clearly and concisely, and express ideas critically and creatively.
  • Create a variety of digital media, including visualization of data and professional audiovisual artifacts, applying human-centered design approaches to communicating through digital media.
  • Use a range of communication strategies and tools to facilitate innovation, social change, and civic engagement.
  • Effectively manage information and user engagement in a range of social media platforms.
  • Work with a client to understand their needs and conduct a communication campaign for a social impact project.
Total 15 credits

  • ENGL1010 – Fundamentals of Academic Writing [Students from AY20-21 and AY21-22 may use Academic English 1 to meet the pre-requisite](3 credits)
  • COMM1010 – Introduction to Communication (2 credits)
  • COMM2010 – Introduction to Data Visualization with Tableau (2 credits)
  • COMM2020 – Fundamentals of Digital Media Production (2 credits)
  • COMM3010 – Social Media Management (2 credits)
  • COMM1020 or HASS1070 – Oral Communication or Cross-Cultural Navigation (2 credits)
  • COMM4890 – Capstone (2 credits)
2. Vietnam Studies
  • To provide the student with a strong conceptual foundation with which to understand Vietnam.
  • To give the student deep cross-cultural engagement with Vietnam, based on the idea that real understanding of a country, its peoples, its cultures, its politics, its economy, its leadership, and its histories require the use of comparative lenses.
Total 15 credits

  • HASS1041 – Vietnam History and Culture 1 (2 credits)
  • HASS1050 – Vietnam History and Culture 2 (2 credits)
  • VIET1010 – Vietnamese Language (International Students) (4 credits)
  • Economic Growth and Development in Vietnam (3 credits)
  • HASS1091 – Politics of Vietnam (3 credits)
  • Entrepreneurship and Leadership (3 credits)
  • VIET4890 – Capstone (2 credits)

2. College of Business and Management

Minor name Objective Credit
1. Hospitality and Tourism (offered to all students) The Minor in Hospitality and Tourism prepares students to lead and succeed in one of the world’s largest and most exciting industries. The courses offered to serve to provide students an overview of different foundational elements of the industry. It is for students who wish to get an insight into this services industry and the vast category of fields it holds. Total 15 credits

  • HADM1000 – Introduction to Hospitality & Tourism Management (3 credits)
  • HADM1010 – Fundamentals of Foodservice Management (3 credits)
  • HADM2010 – Revenue Management Principles and Practices (3 credits)

Elective courses – Students can choose 2 courses from the below list

  • MARK1010 – Marketing (3 credits)
  • HADM1020 – Fundamentals in Hotel Operations (3 credits)
  • MARK3020 – Digital Marketing (3 credits)
  • HADM3030 – Hospitality Planning and Development (3 credits)
  • HADM3020 – Sustainable Development Practices in Hospitality and Tourism (3 credits)
2. Business Essentials (CBM offers to All students) This minor offers the flexibility for the students to select courses from different business disciplines provided that they finish the three required business courses. The aim of this minor is to develop well-rounded graduates who can utilize their business expertise to positively impact the engineering and computer sciences industry by successfully managing business performance and/or developing startups in the technology fields.
Total 15 credits

  • MANA1010- Introduction to Business Management (3 credits)
  • ACCT2010 – Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 credits)
  • MARK1010 – Marketing (3 credits)

Elective courses – Students can choose 2 courses from the below list

  • ECON1015 – Managerial Economics (3 credits)
  • ACCT2020 – Introduction to Managerial Accounting (3 credits)
  • FINA2010 – Financial Management (3 credits)
  • LAW2010 – Business Law (3 credits)
  • MANA3030 – Organizational Behavior (3 credits)
  • BANA3050 – Management Information System (3 credits)
3. Business Analytics
(CBM offers to All students)
The Business analytics minor offers you’re the knowledge and skills to extract information effectively from data and to interpret the results in order to improve decision making in business contexts. This minor encompasses data management processes, such as data collection, validation, and organization, as well as analytical techniques, such as statistics, optimization, predictive modeling, forecasting, and visualization. Students who graduate with the Business Analytics minor can pursue their careers as an analyst, consultant, data scientist, risk manager, and regulator. Total 15 credits

  • BANA3050 – Management Information System (3 credits)
  • BANA3010 – Data Driven Analytics (3 credits)
  • OLSM3010 – Operations Management (3 credits)

Elective courses – Students can choose 2 courses from the below list

  • ACCT2020 – Introduction to Managerial Accounting (3 credits)
  • MARK1010 – Marketing (3 credits)
  • BANA4010 – Data Communication & Visualization (3 credits)
  • CISM2020 – Big Data Management for Revenue Enhancement (3 credits)
  • BANA4040 – Predictive Analytics (3 credits)
4. Marketing
(CBM offers to All students)
In the Marketing minor, students gain knowledge of marketing theories and concepts. Through a variety of hands-on training, students are trained to apply the marketing framework to real-world business environment analysis, customer relations, and more. This minor includes many interesting topics such as sales, branding, product promotion, market research, advertising, public relations, and more. The minor provides all the necessary knowledge and skills for students to become marketing experts and successful business leaders. Total 15 credits

  • MARK1010 – Marketing (3 credits)
  • MARK3010 – Consumer Behavior (3 credits)
  • MARK3020 – Digital Marketing (3 credits)
  • MARK4010 – Brand Management (3 credits)
  • MARK4100 – Marketing Strategy (3 credits)
5. Entrepreneurship
(CBM offers to All students)
This Entrepreneurship minor provides students with knowledge and skills to start your own business, develop a family business, or work in a large corporation to launch new projects. Students will learn how to develop a business plan, identify opportunities, and manage resources. The minor allows students to combine an entrepreneurial mindset with management skills to become successful business leaders. Students who 1 with the Entrepreneurship minor can stand out in any job interview post-graduation, launch new ventures, and/or fast track in future career in any fields. Total 15 credits

  • ACCT2010 – Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 credits)
  • MARK1010 – Marketing (3 credits)
  • ENTR3010 – Entrepreneurship Perspectives (3 credits)

Elective courses – Students can choose 2 courses from the below list

  • FINA2010 – Financial Management (3 credits)
  • MANA3110 – Corporate Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
  • MANA3150 – Designing New Ventures (3 credits)
  • MANA3130 – Entrepreneurial Finance (3 credits)
  • FINA3010 – Corporate Finance (3 credits)
6. Finance
(CBM offers to All students)
The minor in Finance provides students with advanced knowledge about financial markets and instruments, investment decisions, portfolio management, and financial decisions of firms. This minor will develop skills and competencies for students to pursue their careers in the fields of financial management, financial consulting and planning, funds management, investment banking, and stockbroking. This minor is well-aligned with the CFA curriculum. Total 15 credits

  • ACCT2010 – Introduction to Financial Accounting (3 credits)
  • FINA2010 – Financial Management (3 credits)
  • FINA3010 – Corporate Finance (3 credits)

Elective courses – Students can choose 2 courses from the below list

  • FINA3030 – Behavioral Finance (3 credits)
  • FINA4010 – Futures, Options, and Financial Derivatives (3 credits)
  • FINA4040 – Portfolio Management (3 credits)
  • FINA3100 – FinTech: Shaping the Financial World (3 credits)
7. Healthcare Management
(CHS offers for CBM students)
This minor offers for students who have interest in the field of management to gain knowledge about and development capabilities to manage healthcare services in business enterprises or healthcare sectors. The aim of this minor is to develop well-rounded graduates who can utilize their business expertise to positively impact healthcare industry by successfully managing healthcare delivery systems and enhancing healthcare business performance. Total 15 credits

  • HQIS4052 – Healthcare Quality Improvement and Safety (3 credits)
  • NURS4330 – Environmental Health (3 credits)
  • HESP3042 – Health Economics-Health Systems-Health Policy & Law (3 credits)
  • NURS2210 – Essential Concepts of Health (3 credits)
  • GENB4893 – Capstone Project – Healthcare Management (3 credits)
8. Artificial Intelligence
(CECS offers for BBA students)
This minor is offered to CBM students who want to gain understanding and skills in Artificial Intelligence and its central capability Machine Learning. This minor offers the flexibility for the students to select a course from different specialty areas provided they have the two required business courses and the core Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning courses. The aim of this minor is to have exposed business graduates to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning skills and capabilities so that they can successfully manage business and development applications and/or developing startups in the associated technology fields. Total 15 credits

  • BANA3020 – Introduction to Programming and Python (3 credits)
  • MATH1040 – Business Mathematics (3 credits)
  • COMP2050 – Artificial Intelligence (3 credits)
  • COMP3020 – Machine Learning (3 credits)

Students can choose 1 course from the list

  • COMP3040 – Computer Vision (3 credits)
  • COMP4020 – Natural Language Processing (3 credits)
  • COMP4040 – Data Mining and Big Data Analytics (3 credits)
9. Communication
(CAS offers for all VinUni students)
  • Identify and employ a range of communication strategies to effectively analyze audience, purpose, and context.
  • Improve ability to communicate with a variety of stakeholders (such as cross-generational and cross-cultural colleagues).
  • Develop critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution skills and express them clearly to an audience.
  • Strengthen the ability to think, speak, write clearly and concisely, and express ideas critically and creatively.
  • Create a variety of digital media, including visualization of data and professional audiovisual artifacts, applying human-centered design approaches to communicating through digital media.
  • Use a range of communication strategies and tools to facilitate innovation, social change, and civic engagement.
  • Effectively manage information and user engagement in a range of social media platforms.
  • Work with a client to understand their needs and conduct a communication campaign for a social impact project.
Total 15 credits

  • ENGL1010 – Fundamentals of Academic Writing [Students from AY20-21 and AY21-22 may use Academic English 1 to meet the pre-requisite](3 credits)
  • COMM1010 – Introduction to Communication (2 credits)
  • COMM2010 – Introduction to Data Visualization with Tableau (2 credits)
  • COMM2020 – Fundamentals of Digital Media Production (2 credits)
  • COMM3010 – Social Media Management (2 credits)
  • COMM1020 or HASS1070 – Oral Communication or Cross-Cultural Navigation (2 credits)
  • COMM4890 – Capstone (2 credits)
10. Viet Nam studies
(CAS offers to all VinUni students)
  • To provide the student with a strong conceptual foundation with which to understand Vietnam.
  • To give the student deep cross-cultural engagement with Vietnam, based on the idea that real understanding of a country, its peoples, its cultures, its politics, its economy, its leadership, and its histories require the use of comparative lenses.
Total 15 credits

  • HASS1041 – Vietnam History and Culture 1 (2 credits)
  • HASS1050 – Vietnam History and Culture 2 (2 credits)
  • VIET1010 – Vietnamese Language (International Students) (4 credits)
  • Economic Growth and Development in Vietnam (3 credits)
  • HASS1091 – Politics of Vietnam (3 credits)
  • Entrepreneurship and Leadership (3 credits)
  • VIET4890 – Capstone (2 credits)

3. College of Engineering & Computer Science

Minor name Objective Credit
1. Artificial Intelligence
(offers for BBA students)
This minor is offered to CBM students who want to gain understanding and skills in Artificial Intelligence and its central capability Machine Learning. This minor offers the flexibility for the students to select a course from different specialty areas provided they have the two required business courses and the core Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning courses. The aim of this minor is to have exposed business graduates to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning skills and capabilities so that they can successfully manage business and development applications and/or developing startups in the associated technology fields. Total 15 credits

  • BANA3020 – Introduction to Programming and Python (3 credits)
  • MATH1040 – Business Mathematics (3 credits)
  • COMP2050 – Artificial Intelligence (3 credits)
  • COMP3020 – Machine Learning (3 credits)

Students can choose 1 course from the list

  • COMP3040 – Computer Vision (3 credits)
  • COMP4020 – Natural Language Processing (3 credits)
  • COMP4040 – Data Mining and Big Data Analytics (3 credits)
2. Computer Science for health care professionals (for nursing students) The minor in Computer Science for Healthcare Professionals is designed for students in the College of Health Sciences who have an interest in the field of computer science to gain knowledge about and development capabilities to manage healthcare services in business enterprises or healthcare sectors.

The aim of this minor is to develop well-rounded graduates who can enhance the delivery of healthcare services and improve the control of the health systems by collecting, managing, using, and sharing knowledge, skills, and technologies.

Total 15 credits

  • COMP1010 – Introduction to programming (4 credits)
  • NURS2220 – Health informatics (4 credits)

Elective courses – Students can choose 2 courses from the below list

  • COMP2050 – Artificial intelligence (4 credits)
  • COMP3020 – Machine Learning [Students who take this course must complete the research-statistics course in the BN program as a prerequisite](3 credits)
  • E-Health project (4 credits)
3. Artificial Intelligence (for electric and mechanic engineering students) This minor is offered to EE and ME students who want to gain understanding and skills in Artificial Intelligence and its central capability Machine Learning. This minor also offers EE students the flexibility to select a course from different specialty areas provided they have the required programming courses. The aim of this minor is to have exposed engineering graduates to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning skills and capabilities so that they can successfully incorporate these capabilities into their engineering work. Total 15 credits

  • ELEC2030 – Computer system programming (3 credits)
  • COMP2050 – Artificial Intelligence (3 credits)
  • MATH4010 – Advanced Probability and Statistics (3 credits)
  • COMP3020 – Machine Learning (3 credits)

Students can choose 1 course from the list

  • COMP3040 – Computer Vision (3 credits) 
  • COMP4020 – Natural Language Processing (3 credits) 
  • COMP4040 – Data Mining and Big Data Analytics (3 credits) 
4. Robotics (for engineering and computer science students) The robotics minor covers the fundamentals of designing, building, and programming robots. Total 15 credits

  • ROBO4140 – Foundations of Robotics (3 credits)
  • ROBO4150 – Autonomous Mobile Robots (3 credits)
  • ROBO4160 – Robotic Manipulation (3 credits)
  • ROBO4170 – Human-Robot Interaction (3 credits)
  • ROBO4180 – Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (3 credits)
5. Product Design (for engineering and computer science students The minor in product design covers different aspects of product design and development including product design life-cycle, human factors in design, design for manufacturing, and design of sustainable systems. Total 15 credits

  • PROD3010 – Product design and development
  • PROD4010 – Innovative Product Design via Digital Manufacturing
  • PROD4020 – Design of Sustainable Systems
  • PROD4030 – Human factors in product design
  • PROD4040 – Product design studio

4. College of Health Sciences

Minor name Objective Credit
1. Healthcare Management
(offers for CBM and CECS students)
The minor in Healthcare Management is designed for students in the College of Business Management who have an interest in the field of Healthcare Management to gain knowledge about and development capabilities to manage healthcare businesses. The aim of this minor is to develop well-rounded graduates who can utilize their business expertise to positively impact healthcare industry by successfully managing healthcare delivery systems and enhancing healthcare business performance. This minor requires four courses offered by the College of Health Sciences, plus one Capstone project Total 15 credits

  • HQIS4052 – Healthcare Quality Improvement and Safety (3 credits)
  • NURS4330 – Environmental Health (3 credits)
  • HESP3042 – Health Economics-Health Systems-Health Policy & Law (3 credits)
  • NURS2210 – Essential Concepts of Health (3 credits)
  • GENB4893 – Capstone Project – Healthcare Management (3 credits)
2. Healthcare Information for Engineers (offers for CECS students) The minor in Healthcare Information for Engineers is designed for students in the College of Engineering and Computer Sciences who have an interest in the field of health science to gain knowledge about and development capabilities to manage and develop technology skills in business enterprises or healthcare sectors.

The aim of this minor is to develop well-rounded graduates who can enhance the delivery of healthcare services and improve the control of the health systems by collecting, managing, using, and sharing knowledge, skills, and technologies.

Total 15 credits

  • NURS2220 – Health informatics (4 credits)
  • HESP3042 – Health Economics-Health Systems-Health Policy & Law (3 credits)
  • NURS2210 – Essential Concepts of Health (3 credits)

Elective courses – Students can choose 2 courses from the below list

  • HQIS4053 – Healthcare Quality Improvement and Safety (4 credits)
  • NURS2150 – Health promotion and Health Education (3 credits)
  • E-Health project (3 credits)
  • E-health project: supervised by 02 advisors from CHS and CECS (4 credits)