Procedure for Coordination in Getting Approval of Transactions with Related Parties

This policy unifies the process of coordinating and approving transactions between VinAcademy and related person under the authority of related persons in accordance with the provisions of law.

Access this link to read the full document: VinUni Staff Sharepoint (Using Vingroup account) (English) or (Vietnamese)

Status and Details

This policy unifies the process of coordinating and approving transactions between VinAcademy and related person under the authority of related persons in accordance with the provisions of law.

Reference Number:


Document Type:


Issuing By:

VinAcademy Education and Training LLC

Issuing Date:

Oct 13, 2022

Applying for:

VinAcademy Education and Training LLC all staff and faculty

Security Classification:

Internal use

Record of Changes

Revision Date Author / Editor Description
v.1 Oct 13, 2022 Prepared by: Legal and Compliance Dept, Finance and Accounting Unit of VinAcademy
Reviewed by: Vingroup’s Head of Legal Affairs Division
Approved by: Vingroup’s Head of Finance Division
First released