Regulations on Legal Compliance

This document provides the regulation on coordinating the implementation of compliance checklist and legal compliance; compliance control of the laws and regulations applies to all stages, from project preparation, construction management, pre-opening, opening, production and business operations, and operation at the group’s size.

Access this link to read the full document: VinUni Staff Sharepoint (Using Vingroup account) (English) or (Vietnamese)

Status and Details

This document provides the regulation on coordinating the implementation of compliance checklist and legal compliance; compliance control of the laws and regulations applies to all stages, from project preparation, construction management, pre-opening, opening, production and business operations, and operation at the group's size. 

Reference Number:


Document Type:


Issuing By:

VinAcademy Education and Training LLC/VinUniversity

Issuing Date:

Nov 20, 2020

Applying for:

VinAcademy/VinUniversity All

Security Classification:
