Research and Professional Development Fund Policy

VinUniversity is committed to supporting and enabling the professional growth of its faculty to advance their scholarly contributions. This includes providing necessary resources for them to pursue their teaching and research obligations and professional growth. Faculty Research & Professional Development Fund (PD Fund) is one such resource, intended to promote scholarly activity and encourage faculty to take an active part in their professional development activities in fulfillment of the university’s mission.

Access this link to read the full document: VinUni Staff Sharepoint

Status and Details

Reference Number:


Document Type:


Issuing By:

Human Resource Department

Issuing Date:

Jul 22, 2024

Applying for:

All VinUniversity

Security Classification:


Record of Changes

Revision Date Author / Editor Description
V1.0 Nov 12, 2021 Developed by: Human Resource Department
Reviewed by: Faculty Affairs Committee, VinUni Leaders
Approved by: Provost and President
First released
V2.0 Jul 22, 2024 Developed by: Human Resources Department and Finance and Accounting Department
Reviewed by: Faculty Affairs Committee, VinUni Leaders
Approved by: Provost and President
Update on Items III; IV; V; VI, VII