Student Academic Integrity

1. Purpose

The Academic Integrity Policy reinforces the University’s commitment to maintaining integrity and honesty in all academic activities of the University community. These policy and procedures:

  • Describe the principles that govern VinUniversity’s commitment to academic integrity, the expectations with regards to maintaining academic integrity, the outcomes including sanctions that will result from violations of academic integrity, the responsibilities of students in maintaining academic integrity.
  • Describe the operational procedures and process related to the implementation of the Student Academic Integrity Policy, the responsibilities of the various stakeholders in implementing the policy, and the framework for the consequences of violation of academic integrity policies. All students and VinUniversity staff and faculty are expected to be familiar with these procedures and follow them as appropriate.

2. Applicability

This policy and procedures shall apply to all students (undergraduate and graduate students) of the University in all programs of study.

3. Definitions

  • Academic Integrity: Honesty in all scholarly endeavors and behaviors and all interactions connected to the educational process at the university, including coursework, research, any scholarly work, and any use of university resources. Specifically, for scholarly contributions, it means that all academic work should (1) be the result of an individual’s own effort, (2) and appropriately acknowledge the contributions of other people
  • Academic Product: A term paper, thesis, dissertation, assignment, presentation, essay, report, book chapter, recording, work of art, or other written, recorded, pictorial, or artistic product or material submitted or intended to be submitted by a person to satisfy an academic requirement of the person.
  • Academic Integrity Violation (Academic Dishonesty/Misconduct): Academic Dishonesty, which can take many forms, including but not limited to1:
    • Cheating: using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance, information, or study aids in any aspect of academics
    • Fabrication: falsifying or intentionally making up data or any information or citation in an academic exercise
    • Collusion: participating/facilitating/supporting Academic Dishonesty by knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate academic integrity
    • Plagiarism: presenting the words, research findings, or ideas of another person as one’s own, or one’s previously published work, without proper attribution. This rule applies as well to cross-language borrowing or copying when they are not properly attributed.
    • Misrepresentation of Academic Records: Misrepresenting, tampering with, or attempting to tamper with any university academic document such as transcripts, falsifying academic credentials, misusing official academic documents, etc.
    • Violating the professional ethics rules outlined in the honor codes or student
    • Violating applicable health, safety, or ethical requirements in the lab(s) or any academic
    • Violating the rules of academic integrity specifically established by the instructor for a particular

1 Reference:

4. Principles

  • Absolute honesty and integrity are the cornerstone of good academic work and is expected of every VinUniversity student in all academic VinUniversity students have a right to expect academic integrity from their peers.
  • Every member of the VinUniversity community including students, faculty, and staff, is responsible for maintaining integrity in all university activities including coursework, research, and in all University relationships and interactions connected to the educational process.
  • A student’s submission of work to meet any course requirement indicates that the work is the student’s own unless specified. All outside assistance should be acknowledged.
  • All allegations of academic dishonesty with evidence that is deemed reasonably credible by the university officers/faculty will be given serious consideration.
  • The university will take all reasonable measures to protect the privacy and reputation of both the complainant and the respondent of academic dishonesty allegations; all individuals will be treated with fairness and
  • Each individual accused of academic dishonesty will have access to due process, a fair and transparent process of inquiry, and decision making and appeal procedures.
  • Proven incidents of academic dishonesty will have immediate and firm consequences; the university will take all steps necessary to discipline the individuals involved, implement corrective actions, and report to regulatory bodies as appropriate.

5.  Responsibilities


  • Read, understand, and follow all aspects of the academic integrity policy in all their university interactions.
  • Read, understand, and follow any special instructions from their course instructor regarding academic integrity requirements.
  • Sign the Academic Integrity Statement at the beginning of each academic year.
  • When required by the instructor, submit assignments using Turnitin, the university’s plagiarism detection software.
  • Not participate in, support, or assist in any behavior that could constitute a violation of academic integrity
  • When in doubt about any aspect of academic integrity requirements, consult the course instructor, academic advisor, program director, or another trusted university official.
  • When reporting any violations of academic integrity, present full, truthful, and credible evidence supporting the allegation.
  • When called upon by university officials to contribute to an ongoing investigation of academic integrity violation, provide, complete, truthful information, and maintain complete confidentiality.

Course Faculty/Instructors/Teaching Assistants

  • Be fully knowledgeable of the Student Academic Integrity Policy, proactively promote academic integrity, address dishonesty, participate in developing a culture of ethics, and in the development of ethical reasoning.
  • Foster an environment where academic integrity is understood and upheld, both inside and outside the
  • Demonstrate and exemplify the academic integrity policy in all their university interactions
  • Inform students about the appropriate ways of submitting collaborative documents, group projects, and assignments, and when it is appropriate to use open-book or other resources in exams/tests.
  • Inform students about the consequences for violation of the policy, and the steps that you will take to ensure that the policy is followed.
  • Use Turnitin, the plagiarism detection software used by VinUniversity, for assignment submissions of written text.
  • Educate and coach students on academic integrity and support their learning of the nuances of it.
  • Hold students responsible for knowing these expectations and
  • Detect and properly handle violations of academic
  • In case of allegations of academic dishonesty, follow the university procedures, described in to implement
  • For cases that require only action by the instructor (such as verbal warning, reduced or failing marks on assignments) address them with fairness and maintain documentation.
  • Give adequate time for students to respond to allegations of academic

Program Directors

  • Read, understand, and abide by the Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures.
  • Advise and support course instructors with respect to the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures.
  • Ensure that all course instructors are trained to use the Turnitin software for assignment submissions
  • In case of an academic integrity violation requiring disciplinary action, ensure that the actions are consistent with the university policy and document those actions.
  • As appropriate, support, lead, or advise the proceedings of the Academic Integrity Council in making decisions regarding alleged violations that could result in severe consequences for students.

Deans (or designated Vice-Deans)

  • Disseminate information on the Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures to the faculty members at the start of each academic year and ensure that faculty members understand the policy and abide by it.
  • Ensure that briefing on academic integrity is incorporated as part of the orientation activities of the Colleges and that students are adequately informed of the Student Academic Integrity Policy and Procedures.
  • Appoint faculty members to serve on the Academic Integrity Council to address particular cases of allegations of academic dishonesty that could lead to severe consequences for the student such as failing grades, suspension, or dismissal.

Registrar Office

  • Implement procedures in the registration and student academic records to account for the implementation of the consequences of the academic integrity violations (such as failing grade, suspension, and dismissal)

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

  • Responsible for the Academic Integrity policies and procedures, including the deliberations and decisions of the Academic Integrity Council.
  • Develop guidelines and training for academic integrity.
  • Regularly update and adjust academic integrity regulations and publish them on a common website.
  • Develop a reporting system for recording the allegations consequences, and actions related to academic integrity violations.
  • Communicate and coordinate with the Registrar’s Office and colleges on all aspects of academic integrity

All VinUniversity Community Members

  • Read, understand, and abide by the Student Academic Integrity policy and procedures
  • Demonstrate and exemplify academic integrity in all university

University Academic Integrity Council

  • The Academic Integrity Council (hereafter referred to as the Council) is a council appointed by the Provost on the recommendation of academic leaders, whose responsibilities are to promote academic integrity at VinUniversity and to implement fair and efficient implementation of the Student Academic Integrity Policy and procedures, including organizing and monitoring the hearing panels, appeals processes, and making decisions on petitions.
  • Oversee the implementation of disciplinary and corrective actions and any internal and external


  • Ensure that the Colleges and supporting programs have the necessary authority and resources to implement all aspects of the Student Academic Integrity Policy and procedures including training, documentation, processes, and decision-making authority.
  • Appoint members of the Council
  • In cases of an appeal of a decision by the University Academic Integrity Council, take the appropriate steps to make a final decision.

6. Procedures on reporting cases of academic integrity violations

  • If a course instructor/teaching assistant suspects a case of academic dishonesty in any assignments/tests/projects/quizzes, or is alerted to a case, she/he shall gather all evidence (softcopy and/or hardcopy of the students’ work, details of course assignments/tests/projects/quizzes and other pertinent materials) and investigate the case.
  • If a student wishes to report a suspected case of academic dishonesty, she/he may do so using the online form.
  • The instructor may take action appropriate to the level of the suspected violation, as described in this document.
  • Cases of major infringements or repeated violations (Tier 4 in Section 5) must be referred to the University Academic Integrity Council with all supporting documents and/or observations.

7.  Academic integrity violations and possible sanctions

Academic dishonesty can be of various types. The university has determined the appropriate penalties and outcomes depending on the severity of the incident and the history of violations by the individual student. The violations are split into four Tiers: Tier 1 is the mildest form of violation and Tier 4 is the most serious violation. While it is not possible to have an exhaustive list of all possible violations or sanctions, the determinations will be guided by the severity of the violations as illustrated in the tables below.

TIER 1 VIOLATIONS: Verbal Warning by the Instructor

Description A Tier 1 violation occurs when a student’s act of academic dishonesty (1) appears unintentional, or (2) can be reasonably attributed to a lack of understanding of instructor expectations or academic conventions, or (3) or considered minor or developmental in nature.

Instructors can decide whether multiple Tier 1 violations in their course will be treated as a Tier 2 violation.

  • Excessive collaboration in laboratory work
  • Poor citations or referencing
  • Re-using parts of assignments from one course to another
  • Attempting to seek the attention of a student during exams without instructor permission (refer to Appendix 4 for integrity expectations during exams)
  • Attempting to bring unauthorized items to exams
Possible Outcomes
  • The instructor will discuss directly with the student and give feedback as to why the behavior is considered a violation of Academic Integrity.
  • The instructor is expected to keep her/his own record of such cases for possible continued violations.
  • While not required, it is recommended that the instructor consider treating multiple Tier 1 violations as a Tier 2 violation.
  • Additional remedial actions that the instructor may require students to undertake:
    • Re-read the VinUniversity Academic Integrity policy and write a summary or respond to questions
    • Refer to resources about proper citations and referencing
    • Re-reading the syllabus and collaboration expectations
    • Re-doing the specific assignment or activity
  • Tier 1 cases are not reported to the Registrar or CTL.
Procedures for Instructors
  • Upon suspicion of Academic Integrity violation, the instructor will inquire, collect evidence, discuss with the student.
  • If the Academic Integrity violation is Tier 1, instructor will confirm that the student does not have prior Tier 1 violations in their course.
  • If no prior Tier 1 Academic Integrity violations, instructor will issue verbal warning to student and require other actions as necessary in-line with the possible outcomes listed above. Instructor should make a record of the Academic Integrity violation for future reference.
  • If the student has committed a prior Tier 1 or higher Tier violation in the course, the instructor will treat this as a Tier 2 or higher, and follow the respective procedures outlined (see sections below)

TIER 2 VIOLATIONS: Instructor Imposed Sanctions

Description A Tier 2 violation occurs when a student’s act of academic dishonesty (1) is intentional and the student can reasonably be expected to be aware that the act violated the Student Academic Integrity Policy, or (2) if the student has committed prior Tier 1 violations in the course and the instructor decides that the repeated incidents constitute a Tier 2 violation.
  • Intentionally copying others’ work
  • Allowing others to copy your work
  • Lower-level cheating on tests or exams (refer to Appendix 4)
  • Using unauthorized devices or other resources during an exam
  • Intentionally helping with or enabling cheating
  • Plagiarism throughout an assessed task
  • Multiple Tier 1 violations (as tracked by the instructor)

Note: Providing contract cheating services to other students is a serious violation of the VinUni Code of Conduct, and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and dismissal.

Possible Outcomes Outcomes

  • Reduced grade in the assignment/quiz/project/exam
  • Failing grade in the assignment/quiz/project/exam
  • Additional projects/assignments to be completed to get credit
  • Written action plan or learning plan required by instructor
  • The instructor may require other remedial actions such as:
    • Re-read the Academic Integrity policy and write a summary or respond to questions
    • Refer to resources about proper citations and referencing
    • Require re-reading the syllabus and collaboration expectations
    • Re-doing the specific assignment or activity
  • Tier 2 cases must be reported to the Registrar using this e-form.
  • Tier 2 cases are recorded internally on students’ VinUniversity Student Record on the Student Information System.
Procedures for Instructors
  • Upon suspicion of Academic Integrity violation, the instructor will inquire, collect evidence, discuss with the student.
  • If the incident fits the description of a Tier 2 Academic Integrity violation, take the necessary immediate action including penalties in line with the outcomes listed above.
  • Within 3 days of the violation, complete the e-form to submit to the Registrar. The registrar will confirm if the student has any prior Academic Integrity violations. If none, then the process for Tier 2 can continue. Registrar will record the Academic Integrity violation in the student internal records.
  • Instructor will take the actions necessary for the Tier 2 violation
  • If the student has committed a prior Tier 2 or higher Tier violation in the course, the current violation will be treated as a higher level.  The respective procedures outlined (see sections below) will be followed.

TIER 3 VIOLATIONS: Program Imposed Sanctions or Suspension

Description A Tier 3 violation occurs when (1) a student’s act of academic dishonesty is intentional and of such severity as to merit a failing grade in the exam, major assignment, or course, OR (2) the student has TWO prior Tier 2 findings, OR (3) ONE other prior Tier 3 finding of academic integrity violations.
  • Repeated copying, cheating on tests or exams (refer to Appendix 4)
  • Intentionally helping with, or enabling, extensive cheating
  • Extensive plagiarism throughout an assessed task
  • Repeatedly using unauthorized devices and resources during an exam
  • Contract cheating (asking someone else to do a graded assignment and submitting as their own)
  • Two prior Tier 2 findings or 1 prior finding of Tier 3 academic integrity violations.

Note: Providing contract cheating services to other students is a serious violation of the VinUni Code of Conduct, and will result in severe disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and dismissal.

Possible Outcomes
  • Immediate suspension (ie. from a final exam)
  • Suspension can be immediate or for one or more semesters
  • Failing grade in the course
  • Removal from course
  • Written action plan or learning plan required by instructor
  • The Program Director and instructor may require other remedial actions before the student can enroll in further courses at VinUniversity
  • Tier 3 cases must be reported to the Registrar using this e-form.
  • Tier 3 cases are recorded internally on students’ VinUniversity Student Record on the Student Information System.
Procedures for Instructors
  • Upon suspicion of Academic Integrity violation, the instructor will inquire, collect evidence, discuss with the student.
  • The instructor should take appropriate immediate action to prevent further damage or escalation, including removing the student, taking away/sequestering the paper, etc.
  • If the incident fits the description of a Tier 3 Academic Integrity violation, the instructor will consult with the Program Director regarding the proposed actions.
  • Within 5 working days of the violation, the instructor will submit a report of the Academic Integrity violation to the Registrar (EFORM), along with the endorsement of the Program Director and the agrees with the proposed actions, within 3 working days of the violation, complete the e-form to submit to the Registrar. The Registrar will confirm if the student has any prior Academic Integrity violations. If none, then the process for Tier 2 can continue. Registrar will record the Academic Integrity violation in the student internal records.
  • Instructor will take the actions necessary for the Tier 2 violation
  • If the student has committed a prior Tier 2 or higher Tier violation in the course, the current violation will be treated as a higher level.  The respective procedures outlined (see sections below) will be followed.

TIER 4 VIOLATIONS: Suspension or Dismissal

  • A Tier 4 violation occurs when (1) a student has three or more prior recorded Tier 2 violations OR (2) TWO prior Tier 3 violations OR (3) when the student’s act of academic dishonesty is so severe or egregious that it warrants a suspension, dismissal or other disciplinary actions of the highest severity.
  • All Tier 4 violations are referred to and decided by the Academic Integrity Council.
  • Gaining unauthorized access to exams or to submitted exam papers
  • Enabling or participating in group cheating
  • Causing physical disruptions during exams leading to fear of safety or to disruption in others ability to take or monitor exams
  • Authoring multiple assignments for other students (contract cheating authorship), or sitting an exam for another student
  • Repeated or egregious contract cheating (asking someone else to do a graded assignment or exam and submitting as their own)
  • Impersonation in exams
  • TWO prior Tier 3 findings of academic integrity violations.

Note: Providing contract cheating services to other students is a serious violation of the VinUni Code of Conduct, and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including suspension and dismissal.

Possible Outcomes
  • Dismissal from VinUniversity
  • Reduction or revoking of financial aid or scholarship
  • Ban from certain activities or access to certain resources or facilities
  • Rescinding admission into VinUniversity, a department, program, or internship
  • Withdrawing or revoking a credential issued by VinUniversity
  • Other sanction(s) as deemed appropriate by the Council
  • Tier 4 violations are recorded internally on students’ VinUniversity Student Record on the Student Information System
Procedures for Instructors
  • Upon suspicion of Academic Integrity violation, the instructor will inquire, collect evidence, discuss with the student.
  • The instructor should take appropriate immediate action to prevent further damage or escalation, including removing the student, taking away/sequestering the paper, etc.
  • If the incident fits the description of a Tier 4 Academic Integrity violation, the instructor will consult with the Program Director, Dean and other leaders regarding the proposed actions.
  • Within 5 working days of the violation, the instructor will submit a report of the Academic Integrity violation to the Registrar (EFORM). The Registrar will inform the VPAA and the procedures for the Academic Integrity Council will begin.
  • All further communication with the student and decisions will be handled by the Academic Integrity Council. Please see below for the procedures for the Academic Integrity Council. The Registrar will record the outcomes of the decision and any actions related to the student in the VinUni permanent record.

Notes about Suspension and Dismissal

  • Suspension and dismissal for academic dishonesty will ordinarily be effective Disciplinary suspension from the university may occur immediately or for one or two semesters. In the case of an appeal, the suspension or dismissal will be on hold until the appeal process is completed.
  • Students suspended for academic dishonesty must apply for resumption of their degree to the The Registrar will convene a meeting of the Academic Integrity Council, College Dean and Program Chair for consideration (if necessary).
  • Students suspended or dismissed for academic dishonesty cannot transfer into VinUniversity any credits earned during the suspension.
  • Students dismissed from the university for violation of academic integrity policies must re-apply for admission to the university following the standard admissions process.

8.  Procedures of the university academic integrity council

Composition of the University Academic Integrity Council

  • Composition: The Council is established by the Provost. The Council membership comprises members from each College recommended by the Deans and Department Heads, ex-officio members from Student Affairs, Registrar, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and VinUni Office (VINO), and members of the student body who are nominated by the Student Council. The Council may decide to invite others to serve as required by a particular case, or as the needs of the institution change. The Chair of the Council is appointed by the Provost, and the Registrar office is responsible for the administration of the Council.
  • Meetings: The Council shall be convened when there are cases that need
  • The Council shall meet when there are at least 2/3 of the members Members may attend in person or remotely, as appropriate. The absent members can give their comments by message, by phone, or email. Approvals are by a majority vote of a quorum (2/3 of voting members) present. Individuals should self- identify any conflict of interest for particular cases and recuse themselves from deliberations and voting.

Academic Integrity Council Hearings

Cases that require an Academic Integrity Council Hearing:

  1. In cases of allegations or proven violations that rise to the level of severity described in Tier 4, OR
  2. When a student appeals the decision made by the instructor regarding the determination of the Academic Integrity violation or the sanction, and the instructor and student cannot agree on an outcome.
    • The Council has the responsibility to review, investigate and make decisions about allegations of academic dishonesty that are serious enough to warrant a suspension, dismissal, legal action, and monetary fines, rescinding of financial aid or scholarship; and to hear appeals of sanctions for Academic Integrity violations.
    • The Academic Integrity Council will have a presiding officer, at least two faculty members, at least one student who is selected by the Council Chair, and any additional members that the Council Chair determines to be important to the particular Members of the Council must remove themselves from cases in which there may be a conflict of interest.
    • The Chair of the Council will normally serve as the presiding officer and can delegate the responsibility to another faculty member of the Council.
    • The purpose of a hearing is to investigate the incident resulting in the alleged academic dishonesty and to reach an informed decision about whether or not academic dishonesty occurred. These hearings are not open to the public or other outside personnel.
    • The Council will consider all relevant and credible They may continue its deliberations and decision making even if the complainant or the subject of the complaint does not appear at the hearing.
    • All members of the Council and any invited attendees must maintain complete confidentiality related to the proceedings and decisions.


The Council will decide by means of a majority vote of a quorum (2/3 of voting members) present. The decision will be communicated to the relevant parties and documented appropriately.


A student may opt to appeal to the Provost to reconsider the decision of the Council. The Provost may seek more information, ask for further investigation, and either confirm the Council’s decision or, in consultation with the Council and the cognizant College Dean, the Program Directors revise the decision. In all such cases, the decision of the Provost will be final.

9.  Record-Keeping

All allegations of academic dishonesty and the outcomes must be documented, and the documentation maintained by the Registrar’s office under the guidance of the Chair of the Council. If warranted the results will be shared with relevant outside collaborators and regulatory agencies. All records related to disciplinary violations of academic integrity are archived at the Registrar Office, for a period according to the current provisions of the law on record keeping.

10. Related Documents

  • Student Handbook
  • Academic Regulations
  • Student Affairs Regulations
  • Student Code of Conduct

Faculty and students can access the Academic Integrity @ VinUni (

On this site page, you can easily find:

  • Basic information about academic integrity, violation tiers and respective consequences at VinUni.
  • Support resources including orientation slides, self-check list, and case studies related to academic integrity.

11. Acknowledgements and references

We gratefully acknowledge the work of other academic institutions in describing their policies and procedures for academic integrity. We have adapted these principles and procedures as they are relevant to VinUniversity. Consequently, text for certain sections of this document has been taken or adapted from the following Academic Integrity policies and procedures published by:

12. Appendices

Appendix 1: Academic Integrity Statement to be included in all VinUniversity Courses

Each student in this course is expected to follow the VinUniversity Code of Academic Integrity. Students must submit their own work for receiving academic credit in this course. In the case of group assignments or projects, students must follow the instructions for co-operative work provided by faculty.

Students are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts covered in the lecture and the sections with other students. However, no student may copy all or part of the work done by someone else.

If copying occurs, both the student who copied work from another student and the student who gave material to be copied will both automatically receive a zero for the assignment. Students may also receive a failing grade for the course and face further disciplinary action.

Students may not copy information from online sources, books, articles, any other public or private source, pay others to do their work for a graded assignment and submit it as their own work. When using someone else’s work to support students ‘work, students must cite the appropriate reference. If students use someone else’s work without properly citing it, it is considered Plagiarism. All submitted materials at VinUniversity are subject to plagiarism check using Turnitin. The penalties for plagiarism are the same as those for copying. Students may not aid, assist cheating in any form. Students may not accept monetary or other compensation for doing another student’s work for a graded assignment or exam.

During examinations, students must do their own work. Talking or discussion is not permitted during the examinations. Students may not compare papers or answers, copy from others, or collaborate in any way. If students fail to follow these rules, students will receive an automatic fail in the exam. Students may also receive a failing grade for the course and face further disciplinary action.

Appendix 2: Student Pledge of Academic Integrity

(all VinUni students must sign this pledge at the beginning of each academic year)

  • I have read and understood the VinUniversity Academic Integrity Policy
  • I realize that VinUniversity considers plagiarism, copying, cheating on examinations, collaborating inappropriately, and other forms of deceit as serious violations of the academic integrity standards it expects of the student body.
  • I understand that acts of dishonesty violate the fundamental ethical principles of the university community and compromise the worth of work completed by others.
  • I understand that helping, encouraging, or in any way supporting others to cheat, plagiarize, or deceive in any way is also an act of Academic Dishonesty.
  • I also understand that failure to follow the policies and rules with respect to academic honesty may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

I pledge that I will not commit acts of academic dishonesty against myself, my colleagues, my faculty, or VinUniversity. I will complete exams, projects, and assignments to the best of my ability. I will collaborate as allowed and work individually as expected.

By signing this pledge, I promise to maintain the highest level of ethical principles in all aspects of my academic work at VinUniversity.

Note: This pledge is adapted from the University of British Columbia Student Pledge available at

Appendix 3: Summary flowchart of resolution of Student Academic Intergrity violations

Appendix 4: Academic Integrity Violations for exams and tests

Note: these are some examples only. Any violations not listed here will be evaluated on the level of severity and appropriate actions will be taken.

Nr. Acts of violations Sanctions (details in the policy text)
Tier 4(dismissal) Tier 3 (suspension; failing course grade) Tier 2 (reduced or failing grade in exam/assignments) Tier 1 (Verbal warning)
1 Looking or attempting to look at another student’s work; discussing work with another student during an exam without permission Third attempt – suspension from the exam Second attempt despite previous warnings First attempt
2 Exchanging exam or draft papers; Copying from another student’s work unless collaborative work is specifically authorized by the Instructor/TAs for the test. Second attempt despite previous warnings – failing course grade

Third attempt – suspension from the exam

First attempt VUNI
3 Bringing unauthorized study aid materials to the exam room. If the student uses the resource in the exam. Second time despite warnings – suspension from the exam If the student uses the resource in the exam. First time. If the student attempts but is caught before the resource can be used.
4 Bringing in electronic devices that can receive and send signals, record voice and videos, and devices that store information which may be used for the exam, when prohibited by the instructor.
5 Exam impersonating or having someone to sit for the exam with their credentials/ID to receive academic credit. Second attempt – Dismissal of study. Criminal proceedings if applicable First attempt – 1-year suspension of study. Criminal proceedings if applicable.
6 Gaining unauthorized access to exam question papers or submitted answers. Second attempt. Criminal proceedings if applicable Gain or grant authorized access Attempted/unsuccessful unauthorized access


Status and Details

The Academic Integrity Policy reinforces the University’s commitment to maintaining integrity and honesty in all academic activities of the University community.

Reference Number:


Document Type:


Issuing By:

Educational Affairs Committee

Issuing Date:

Oct 03, 2020

Applying for:

All VinUniversity

Security Classification:


Record of Changes

Revision Date Author / Editor Description
V1.0 Oct 03, 2020 Developed by: Office of Provost
Reviewed by: Educational Affairs Standing Council (EAC) Approved by: President and Provost
First release
V2.0 Feb 25, 2021 Developed by: Office of Provost
Reviewed by: Educational Affairs Standing Council (EAC) Approved by: President and Provost
Changes of office responsibilities; Amendment to procedures for resolving academic misconduct; Resolutions to academic integrity violations
V3.0 Sep 30, 2022 Developed by: Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence
Reviewed by: Educational Affairs Standing Council (EAC) Approved by: President and Provost
Clarification of Tiers of violation and penalties